How Self-Destructing Messages Can Be Used For Marketing Purposes

Self-destructing messages are a newly popular type of message that, as the name implies, are set to self-destruct after they’ve been read. This is becoming an increasingly popular way to share private, sensitive information without the fear of someone being able to retain it. Their usage has been common in the music industry and many private companies, such as Samsung, have implemented this into their employees’ workplace email messages. However, these messages can also be used for marketing purposes.

Purposes of marketing with self-destructing messages

Usually, marketing with self deleting texts is for the purpose of sending out important messages to existing contacts without the risk of them being retained. Such a message could be an email containing information that is only to be read by a certain recipient, such as a last-minute text message.

The message could also include directions or other vital information so it would not become lost in a sea of other emails. In such a case, rather than having to worry about the recipient losing the message, or being unable to act on it immediately, they could read the message and act on it without risk of them retaining it in the meantime.

How self-destructing messages are made

When a message is sent to a recipient via a self-destructing message, it is set to automatically delete itself after the designated amount of time (usually ranging from 1-10 seconds). This makes sure that the recipients cannot access or see the message after they read it. This specific feature can be used in marketing situations so that marketers can send messages to their target market, and make sure that their target market cannot see them again once they’ve been read.

Uses of marketing with self-destructing messages

Marketers can use self-destructing messages to send out their marketing messages to key contacts or their target market, and then mark their messages as “read” so that they cannot be seen again by anyone. This can help marketers to shape the conversations that they’re having with their contacts, build up rapport, and ultimately create more effective marketing campaigns.